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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Help me finding myself

Somebody help me
I need to find myself,
I know it has to be somewhere
that part of me that is not here;
that only God acknowledges where
is it, where, where, where?
Somebody help me
finding that inner stranger
that looks just like an ngel
and wants a world of peace
and asks for a world of love.

                               I need to beleive in mankind

I, myself

I was born on a pile of drums
that were making noises all around my dreams.
I was born under a magic tree
that was full of apples and pears and berries
that were giving nursery to my famine at least.
I was disbanded and torn apart
by a herd of predators when I was still young;
too young to understand, too childish to react.
I was lost, I was frightened, and I was abused
without a hope of mercy or peace or truth.
I was what I was.
I am what I am.
I will be sunshine
that opens its way throw the darkness.
I will be a fresh stream
that appears and ignites and lets be.
I was the last one that is death.
I am the new one that’s alive.
I will be the renaissance
of myself: a golden bright
that arises in the smog.

A kiss is just a kiss.

-But, it is just a kiss!
A kiss is just a kiss;
an overwhelming piece
of very inspiring peace.
A kiss is full of pleasures
that has the greatest kindness
to give the brightest madness
of living among treasures.
This kiss that makes me shines
is surely the most divine
event of my lifelong.
Your kisses make me strong!
A kiss is just a kiss?
maybe it is
a bit of sky at great full ease;
a claim of stream
that makes me dream;
a link that freezes
and makes me squeezes
above your beauty;
like it is a duty
to love your world
of songs and bells.